Neon Pothos (Money Plant) in Nursery Grow Pot
Neon Pothos 'Money Plant' in Nursery Grow Pot
Common Names
Devil's vine, hunter's robe, money plant, silver vine, devil's ivy, pothos, ivy arum, money plant, taro vine, Solomon Islands ivy
Scindapsus Goldking, Epipremnum aureum
How to Grow and Care
Money Plant can't be left in direct sunlight, it should be placed in moderate to low light to avoid the leaves becoming dulled and less vibrant. It Thrives in medium to low indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.
Allow potting mix to dry out completely between waterings. The growing medium should consist of a light, porous potting mix that retains water but drains well.
Suitable for Indoors or Outdoors.
Special features: Money plant has a special position in Feng Shui and NASA air purifier list.
Size of Pot: Height 7cm x Diameter 8cm x Height including Pot 21cm
Suitable for Home, Bathroom, Office.