Euphorbia su tirucalli in Nursery Grow Pot
Euphorbia su tirucalli
Common Names
Pencil Cactus, Indian Tree Spurge, Milk Bush and Naked Lady
How to Grow and Care
They require bright sunlight to show their best colors and maintain a tight rosette form but can tolerate partial shade.They thrive in gritty, well-draining soils (free-draining gritty mix) and pots with drainage holes (preferable).
Never overwater, water only once a week.
If you water from beneath by letting the plant sit in a saucer of water, make sure to pour off any excess water after a few minutes.
Never to let water sit in the rosette as it can cause rot or fungal diseases that will kill the plant.
** Protect from heavy rains and standing water to prevent rot.
Additionally, remove dead leaves from the bottom of the plant as it grows.
Size of Planter: Diameter 9cm x Height 7cm
Height of Plant including Planter: 24cm approximately