Monstera adansonii in Nursery Grow Pot
Monstera adansonii in Nursery Grow Pot
Common Names
Philodendron Monkey Mask or commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss cheese vin, Adanson's monstera, Swiss cheese vine, five holes plant
A popular plant from the art deco era, the Monstera adansonii brings style and taste to any indoor space. It's a unique tropical climbing or trailing houseplant with distinctive holes and notches on its leaves.
- Arrives in nursery grow pot
- Size of Pot: Height 10cm x Diameter 11.5cm
- Height of Plant with Planter: 30cm approximately
Plant Care
- Air Purifying
- Good for Feng Shui
- Difficulty: Easy and low-maintenance
It’s been well-reported that nature is beneficial to our mental health. Though the connection between nature and well being is strong, the reasons for this are purely theoretical: it’s generally accepted that we respond well to particular forms due to the way we’ve adapted on an evolutionary level.
For example, studies have shown that the colour green makes people feel alert and healthy, encouraging them to make better decisions, and feel more vibrant. Big green plants, like Monsteras, are therefore good to have in living rooms and offices as they help us feel energized and productive.
Researchers have also deduced that top-heavy natural forms, and large overhanging canopies, induce feelings of safety in participants. The theory goes that these forms recall our ancestral home on the Savannah. In prehistory, landscapes dense with plants and trees like these would have been hospitable to humans, and these triggers remain embedded in our subconscious.
Monstera symbolises a long life and honouring elders and respected people. In Feng Shui (a kind of Oriental acupuncture for your home) Monstera is used to bring happiness or to stimulate big dreams.
The whole plant is used as a remedy for boils.
A decoction of the crushed plant is applied topically.
The stem is used as a remedy for scorpion and snake bites.
The sap produces a burning sensation and is occasionally used to treat necrotic ulcers.