Pilea depressa ‘Baby Tears’ in Nursery Grow Pot
Pilea depressa ‘Baby Tears’ in Nursery Grow Pot (Soleirolia Soleirolii)
Common Names
Pilea Baby Tears
A popular plant from the art deco era, the Monstera Laniata brings style and taste to any indoor space. It's a unique tropical climbing or trailing houseplant with distinctive holes and notches on its leaves.
- Arrives in nursery grow pot
- Size of Pot: Height 8cm x Diameter 8cm
- Height of Plant with Planter: 14cm
Plant Care
- Air Purifying
- Good for Feng Shui
- Difficulty: Easy and low-maintenance
** Protect from heavy rains and standing water to prevent rot.
Suitable for Indoors