Large China Doll Plant (180cm) in Nursery Grow Pot
Radermachera sinica (China Doll Plant) (180cm) in Nursery Grow Pot
Common Names
China Doll Plant, serpent tree or emerald tree
How to Grow and Care
For best growth, give your china doll plant a lot of bright (but indirect) sun. It needs at least 4-5 hours of sun per day, even indoors. If you don’t have a spot in your house that gets that much light, you should consider purchasing indoor grow lights to supplement.
When watering, be careful. Too little or too much can wreak havoc on your china doll plant. The soil should be kept moist, but the roots shouldn’t be allowed to sit in water. Water only when the top inch of the soil is dry to the touch.
If your plant develops brittle leaves that turn yellow, it not getting enough water. Too much water is indicated by black colored tips.
When new foliage is developing, watering can be slightly increased and decreased again once the plant has become dormant.
Suitable for Indoors and it's good for fengshui.
Height of Plant and Planter: 180cm approximately
Size of Planter: Height 24.5cm x Diameter 28cm