Large Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii (83cm) in Nursery Grow Pot
Large Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii in Nursery Grow Pot
Common Names
Dumb Cane Plant, Chinese Evergreen
Dieffenbachia Memoria corsii
How to Grow and Care
Dieffenbachia is also known as the 'Dumb Cane plant', which is derived from the unpleasant effect of my poisonous sap on the mouth and throat. It can reach 5 ft or more in height, but under normal room conditions, its leaves will fall to give a false palm effect.
Dieffenbachia grows best indoors as it needs moderate temperatures and humid environments. If you can’t provide these consistent conditions outside then you should keep it indoors, where you have greater control over the growing environments. Keep it in a shady spot and away from any doors or windows, which might cause draughts.
Dieffenbachia needs partial shade or diffused sunlight to grow well. This plant can tolerate full shaded conditions, but its best if you can find a spot for it where it receives a small amount of indirect lights.
Dieffenbachia have air purifying qualities which have been confirmed by NASA. This plant will help remove formaldehyde, xylene, toluene that might be in your home environment.
Misting dieffenbachia is one of the best ways to keep it in optimal humid conditions. This plant can suffer from root rot if it’s overwatered, regular misting ensures that the environment remains humid without risking the soil becoming soggy.
Suitable for Indoors.
Height of Plant including Planter: 83cm approximately
Size of Planter: Height 22cm x Diameter 21cm